Our Fees

The Northern Lights Preschool Fees are reviewed annually and we reserve the right to increase our Fees. Parents will receive one month’s notice prior to any Fee increase becoming effective.

Additional Charges for Snack

At the Northern lights Preschool, we regard snack time as an important part of the day as it provides an opportunity for children and adults to socialise and helps children to learn about healthy eating. Parents are given the choice to send their child with a piece of fruit daily or they can pay £10 towards the snack contribution every term.

Private Fees

The fees per session at present are (£5.00 per hour for a 2 year old child and £4.00 per hour for a 3 & 4 year old child) and these can be paid half termly, monthly or weekly in advance. All cash/cheque payments must only be paid into the main office to Mrs M’linde, and in her absences can be paid to Mrs Majeed. Cash will be counted in the presence of parents and a receipt will be issued for the fees paid. For children who are not purchasing additional hours at pre-school, an invoice will be provided every term, stating the number of funded hours received for your child.

Refund Policy

Fees continue to be paid in the case of:

  • • non-attendance by your child regardless of illness, holidays, or other reasons
  • • severe weather conditions, or any emergency situation

Each child’s attendance is conditional upon continued payment of any necessary fees, which include the Early Education Funding scheme.

Should you have any difficulties with regard to payment of fees, please speak to the Pre-school Manager or your child’s key person. All matters will be treated in the strictest confidence.

Suspension or Termination of Services

The Northern Lights Preschool reserves the right to withdraw or to terminate our services to your child for non-payment of Fees or where the preschool considers it appropriate to do so.

Breakfast and Early Start Club

Our Early Start Club provides high quality out-of-school hour’s childcare for our parents. It provides a range of stimulating and creative activities in a safe environment.

The Breakfast and Early Start Club operates daily in term time from 8.30am until 9.00am for children attending the Northern Lights Preschool.

Children will be supervised by our preschool staff with at least one first aider present.


  • All places are subject to availability.
  • Parents to complete a registration form and report any food allergies. Parents are reminded that it is also their responsibility to update any information with the Preschool Office should circumstances change. (Contact numbers etc.)
  • Parents requiring ad hoc places at the club are welcomed to use the club providing there are spaces and parents/carers have previously completed the registration form.
  • All club staff are made aware of the details of a new child.
  • Children’s attendance is recorded in a register.

The cost for each breakfast club session is £2 per child.